Technical Support
This page is for sending us questions in the following cases:
1-A technical support and consultation contract: For this request we give very detailed replies and follow up with you till the problem is fully 100% solved.
2- Free consultation offered after a training course (up to 3 months after the end of the training): For this request we give the answer and support needed to guide you on solving the problem or challenge yourself.
3-Free consultation day announced below: For this request we answer using main breadlines and guidelines with references as much as possible.
On the free consultation day, we welcome questions from any source even if you are not a client. We answer the questions on first come-first serve basis. You may send the question before the Free Consultation day but they will be answered on or after the day. The free consultation day is usually announced here few days before so please check the website regularly.
Stay Tuned for our Free Consultation Days announced.
Please use the contact form below to send your request. We will contact you by email to follow up and get attachments if any.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Please stop by again. Thank you for your interest!