From Concept to Post De-commissioning
Our main values and principles are:
*Safety & reliability together: we work on both together without compromising any of them, as two wings needed to fly.
*Neat engineering: clean and tidy engineering with high quality, good traceability between documents and flawless flow of information in the logical direction which helps update the documents and provide strong safety cases in front of the inspectors and authorities.
*Learning from the past: it is often said that people have memories but organizations don’t. We commit to learn from incidents that occur worldwide and make use of this learning in our improvement. See the page 'Learning from Past' for some examples.
*Open and direct communication: two-way, open and direct communication with partners, clients and shareholders.
*Respect: respecting rules, regulations, contractual agreements and appointments.
*Diversity: attracting the best talents irrespective of their origins, colours or political views.
*Team Work: there is no ‘I’ in the word ‘Team’. We value and promote individual skills but achieve more as a team.